Online Worship

We’re so glad that you are interested in joining us for worship. If you haven’t worshipped with us before, please know that you are welcome! We would love for you to come hear about our amazing God who loves you more than you can imagine. Come and see!

We have two worship times each week (same service). You can come and worship with us on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm or on Sunday mornings at 9:00am.

If you are unable to come in-person you can watch our services online. All Sunday services will be posted on YouTube and on our website (with the button below).

Come and See!



All of our services are live streamed.  
Follow the link to watch the live stream or see previous services. 

open book, bible, scripture-981405.jpg


Can’t worship with us in person? Here are some ways you can continue to give your thank-offerings to the Lord.

  1. Mail Envelope to the church
  2. Direct Deposit (Contact Josh Swenson)
  3. Paypal: [email protected]
  4. Vanco-Online Giving Platform Button Below